Goal: Refine physical attention and relaxation
Goal: Develop and refine gross motor skills
Goal: Develop and refine eye-hand coordination skills
Goal: Play group games
Goal: Use the body expressively
Goal: Establish a sense of self and personal responsibility
Goal: Function and work constructively in a group setting using appropriate social skills
Goal: Develop memorization Skills
Goal: Develop Independent Work Habits
Oral Language
Goal: Understand and use nonverbal features of communication
Goal: Understand and use language to communicate
Goal: Understand and use language to think: organize, relate and analyze information
Goal: Understand use increasingly varied and complex vocabulary and syntax
Nursery Rhymes
Goal: Develop memorization skills
Goal: Listen to nursery rhymes, poems, finger plays and songs and respond with appropriate gestures
Goal: Develop a sense of rhyme
Storybook Reading and Storytelling
Goal: Listen to stories read aloud
Goal: Participate in stories read aloud
Goal: Develop a notion of “story schema”
Goal: Demonstrate an awareness of book and print (written language) organization
Goal: Develop an awareness of written matter/print in everyday surroundings and its many uses.
Goal: Develop an awareness of the structure of print
Goal: Develop phonemic awareness
Goal: Develop the fine motor skills and strokes used in writing
Goal: Sort and classify objects or pictures of object
Goal: Duplicate and continue linear patterns
Goal: Perceive and recognize shapes and sizes
Goal: Use simple measurement skills and seriate objects
Goal: Quantify groups of objects
Goal: Compare written numerals
Goal: Develop an understanding of addition and subtraction
Goal: Identify money
Goal: Understand and use the language of time
Goal: Establish reference points in time
Goal: Demonstrate an awareness of the passage of time and of periods of time as “the past,” “the present,” or “the future.”
Goal: Understand and use the language of space
Goal: Establish reference points in actual and represented space
Goal: Use simple maps of familiar environments
Goal: Demonstrate an understanding of basic geographic concepts
Goal: Demonstrate an initial understanding of the living world
Goal: Demonstrate an initial understanding of the elements of the material world
Goal: Select and use tools
Goal: Demonstrate use of the scientific reasoning cycle
Goal: Listen to and discriminate differences in sound
Goal: Imitate and produce sounds
Goal: Listen to and sing songs
Goal: Listen to and move to music of different styles and periods
Goal: Attend to visual detail of objects and images
Goal: Explore and create, using various art forms, media and techniques
Goal: Develop an appreciation for art